Now Accepting Applications for the Golden Opportunity Scholars

Now Accepting Applications for the Golden Opportunity Scholars

Golden Pantry and Thrift operates exclusively for charitable and civic purposes for residents of Golden, Colorado. We provide food, financial assistance, and referrals to other community services to residents in crisis and/or experiencing hardship.

We hold our community in high regard and firmly believe in upholding values such as integrity, empathy, teamwork, and volunteerism. Our Golden Opportunity Scholarship is a testament to our commitment to these values and our desire to continue promoting them. If you are a senior at Golden High School who plans to attend a Colorado college and share these values, this scholarship might be a good fit for you!

Under the “Golden Opportunity Scholarships” program, Golden Pantry and Thrift offers scholarships of $3000 to Golden High School seniors each year.


  • Plan on attending college in Colorado
  • Minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Copy of transcript
  • 1-2 Letters of Recommendation (Counselor, Teacher, Community Member)
  • Personal Essay: Tell us about yourself and your future aspirations. (500-1000 words)
  • Download Application
  • Application due by March 8, 2023, to Mrs. Hughes in Golden’s Counseling Office

Golden Pantry and Thrift started the Golden Opportunity Scholarships program in 2021 and plans to offer this scholarship every year! We would appreciate your support by donating to Golden Pantry and Thrift – thank you!